Colwell Thundering Herd Ranch Mandarins are grown in the heart of one of the world’s finest climates for mandarin production. According to an article on mandarins by Dale McDonald in Furrow Magazine, “There is a very select group of readers out there who know how to get their hands on surely what must be the best mandarin fruit in the world – mountain grown mandarins from Placer County, California”. The Colwell family mandarin orchard sits on a hillside with a southern exposure which provides the warm days and cool nights which provide the perfect mandarin growing climate which produces the sweet, seedless Owari Satsuma mandarins which makes Placer County the most ideal mandarin producing location in the world.
These mandarins, in addition to their smooth and enticing taste – both as freshly eaten mandarins from the tree and in a variety of flavorful mandarin based recipes, also provide documented health benefits. In addition to the well known large amounts of vitamin C in mandarins, recent studies of Placer County mandarins have indicated that mandarins are a “Super Citrus” that assist to fight allergies and cold sympthoms. Placer County mandarins have been found to contain a naturally occurring decongestant according to a US Department of Agriculture on mandarins. Placer County Mandarins were tested and found to contain six to seven times the amount of synephrine, a naturally occurring decongestant, than mandarins grown in other locations as well as other citrus fruits. This news about the added health benefits from Placer County mandarins adds even more reasons for buying mandarins directly from the Colwell Thundering Herd Ranch’s mandarin grove.
Colwell Thundering Herd Ranch Meyer Lemons are wonderfully flavorful, fragrant, and colorful. Picked at the height of ripeness, they will hold their flavor and richness for a significant period when refrigerated or stored in a cool location. All Colwell Thundering Herd Ranch Meyer Lemons are handpicked and hand packed to ensure the maximum of freshness and quality for our customers.
Fresh Lemons add flavor, boldness, and zest to any home kitchen and recipe. In addition to enhancing American classics such as ice tea and hot tea, lemons can be used to embolden the flavor of grilled salmon, sautéed shrimp, and baked chicken. Salads of all types are enhanced with a squeeze from Colwell Thundering Herd Ranch lemons. Desserts such as Lemon Meringue Pie and Lemon cookies are a wonderful way to celebrate a family gathering or other special occasion.
The Colwell Thundering Herd Ranch grows Hachiya persimmons that are so fresh they are like eating fruit from a tree in your own backyard. Our persimmons, just as our mandarins and lemons, are hand harvested and selected for beauty, freshness and delicious flavor before they are hand packed by family members.
The Hachiya persimmons are grown on legacy tress which have been producing high quality, well shaped, firm, flavorful fruit for more than 70 years. These persimmons make outstanding baked goods – cookies, cakes, and nut breads.
The Colwell Thundering Herd Ranch Fuyu persimmons are a more recent additon to our product line. Our Fuyu persimmons, just as our mandarins, lemons, and Hachiya persimmons, are hand harvested and selected for beauty, freshness and delicious flavor before they are hand packed by family members.
The Fuyu persimmons are from younger trees nestled within the Colwell Thundering Herd Ranch mandarin orchard. Their firm, crunchy fruit is similar in many ways to an apple. This variety of persimmon is very tasty eaten fresh from the tree and adds zest and charm to salads of all types. Similar to the Hachiya persimmon, it is excellent for baking and creating a wonderful variety of flavorful treats for the family.